DTN Taxon Lists Services

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The IBF project/ DiversityMobile (smartphone app, app for Tablet PCs), the German Barcode of Life (=GBOL) project as well as many other biodiversity research projects depend on national/ regional species checklists/ taxon reference lists.

Starting with early 2012 we developed a concept to offer open and freely accessible services with a dynamic data flow involving DiversityTaxonNames (=DTN) data bases DTN Software and DTN Information model. The concept was first presented in September 2012 on a Diversity Workbench Workshop devoted to this subject and explained in detail under DTN taxon lists concept and architecture. Relevant data and meta data are managed by TNT server installations of DiversityTaxonNames, DiversityAgents, DiversityProjects and DiversityReferences (including Agents IDs and Projects IDs). In general, the SNSB installations of DWB modules with freely accessible taxonomies, terminologies, ontologies and (meta-)data schemas are described under DWB cloud services.

Since 2014 – as part of the German Federation for Biological Data (=GFBio) project – the services on the "Taxon-names-and-terms-(TNT)" server are extended by the SMNS, SNSB and ZFMK concerning IT and content.

Starting with 2021 there is a DWB user help desk with support by the NFDI4Biodiversity consortium.

This page is for a first organising of the meta data from the available taxon lists.

In 2018 the following organisations and projects are active in supporting curation activities:



  • DiversityMobile (IBF/ DiversityMobile) – coordination of taxon list mobilisation and curation: Tanja Weibulat (SNSB)
  • Flora von Bayern (BFL) – coordination of taxon list mobilisation and curation: Wolfgang Diewald, Wolfgang Ahlmer (SNSB–BSM)
  • German Barcode of Life (GBOL) – coordination of taxon list mobilisation and curation: Björn Rulik (ZFMK), Jérôme Morinière and Jörg Spelda (SNSB–ZSM); mobilisation of RL information: Veronica Sanz (SNSB)

Biological Societies:

Status October 2023 59 datasets (managed through DiversityTaxonNames) were published via the DTN REST Web API and published via the GFBio Terminology Server (33 with DOI assignment via GBIF). The data packages currently include more than 120.000 latin names from organisms in Germany and elsewhere, all with hierarchical classification and more than 28.000 German vernacular names. 22 of the 59 datasets have nature conservation relevant information included (current red list status for extinction risk etc.).

DTN taxon lists legend

Taxon list missing
Taxon list under curatorial quality check by list curator for import
ready for import
ready for replication to TNT server
imported, ready for quality check by list curator
ready to use

Rote Listen Deutschland: RL-Kategorien und Gefährdungsanalyse

DTN taxon lists - Animalia (excluding Hexapoda and Vertebrata)

List title List code Taxonomic or biotic group Region Taxon names (complete number) Taxon names below genus level (number) Synonyms (number); Higher classification above subgenus/ genus level (+/-) Vernacular names - DE (number) List curator(s) Organisation(s) and /or project(s) supporting curation activities Publications
Taxon list of Acoelomorpha from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Acoelomorpha_DE Acoelomorpha Germany SNSB–ZSM; GBOL
About "Taxon list of Annelida from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Annelida_DE (707) Annelida s.l. Germany 440 293 - ; + 1 Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Fauna Europaea; Lehmitz et al. (2016); see also info under Rote Liste D 2016 Regenwürmer
Taxon list of Arachnida from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Arachnida_DE Arachnida ["Rest", exkl. Araneae, Oribatida, Pseudoscorpiones, Opiliones] Germany SMNK, SMNS, ZFMK; GBOL
About "Taxon list of Araneae from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Araneae_DE (701) Araneae Germany 1.592 1.100 75 ; + - Dr. Hubert Höfer SMNK; GBOL World Spider Catalog; Blick et al. (2016); see also info under Rote Liste D 2016 Spinnen
About "Taxon list of Bryozoa from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Bryozoa_DE (708) Bryozoa Germany 33 16 - ; + 1 SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Fauna Europaea
About "Taxon list of Chilopoda from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Chilopoda_DE (703) Chilopoda Germany 89 61 - ; + 1 Dr. Jörg Spelda, Dr. Thomas Wesener ZFMK, SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Voigtländer et al. (2011); Decker et al. (2016); see also info under Rote Liste D 2016 Hundertfüßer
About "Taxon list of Cnidaria from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Cnidaria_DE (711) Cnidaria Germany 75 31 - ; + - SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Fauna Europaea
About "Taxon list of Crustacea from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Crustacea_DE (715) Crustacea (excl. Ostracoda) Germany 734 458 - ; + 2 Björn Rulik ZFMK; GBOL Boxshall (2013); Grünwald (2016); Simon (2016); see also info under Rote Liste D 2016 Binnenasseln, Blattfußkrebse
About "Taxon list of Diplopoda from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Diplopoda_DE (704) Diplopoda Germany 253 135 - ; + 1 Dr. Jörg Spelda, Dr. Thomas Wesener ZFMK, SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Voigtländer et al. (2011); Reip et al. (2016); see also info under Rote Liste D 2016 Doppelfüßer
About the "Taxon list of Mollusca from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Mollusca_DE (712) Mollusca Germany 719 475 - ; + 373 Katrin Koller SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Fauna Europaea (***Zitat nachgetragen, D.T. 24.4.16; teste); Jungbluth & von Knobe (2011); see also info under Rote Liste D 2011 Binnenmollusken
Taxon list of Nemathelminthes from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Nemathelminthes_DE Nemathelminthes Germany SMNS; GBOL
Taxon list of Nematoda from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Nematoda_DE Nematoda Germany 173 - ; + - Walter Traunspurger ZFMK; GBOL Mauch et al. (2003)
Taxon list of Nemertini from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Nemertini_DE Nemertini Germany SNSB–ZSM; GBOL
About the "Taxon list of Opiliones from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Opiliones_DE (706) Opiliones Germany 90 54 - ; + 52 Björn Rulik ZFMK; GBOL Blick & Komposch (2004); Schönhofer & Holle (2007); Schönhofer & Hillen (2008); Muster et al. (2016a); see also info under Rote Liste D 2016 Weberknechte
About the "Taxon list of Oribatida from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Oribatida_DE (702) Oribatida Germany 884 594 - ; + - Dr. Ulrich Burkhardt SGN; GBOL Höfer & Horak (2012)
About the "Taxon list of Ostracoda from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Ostracoda_DE (716) Ostracoda Germany 508 309 - ; + 1 Dr. Finn Viehberg Uni Köln; GBOL Kempf (1980, 1986, 1995, 1997)
About "Taxon list of Pauropoda from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Pauropoda_DE (1137) Pauropoda Germany 69 32 - ; + 1 Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Voigtländer et al. (2016)
About the "Taxon list of Plathelminthes from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Plathelminthes_DE (713) Plathelminthes Germany 1.451 943 - ; + - SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Fauna Europaea
About the "Taxon list of Porifera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Porifera_DE (710) Porifera Germany 15 8 - ; + - SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Fauna Europaea
About the "Taxon list of Pseudoscorpiones from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Pseudoscorpiones_DE (705) Pseudoscorpiones Germany 81 50 - ; + - Björn Rulik ZFMK; GBOL Blick et al. (2004); Muster et al. (2008); Muster et al. (2016b); see also info Rote Liste D 2016 Pseudoscorpione
About the "Taxon list of Symphyla from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Symphyla_DE (1138) Symphyla Germany 32 20 - ; + 1 Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Voigtländer et al. (2016)
About the "Taxon list of Tardigrada from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Tardigrada_DE (714) Tardigrada Germany 99 61 - ; + - ZFMK; GBOL Degma & Guidetti (2007); Degma et al. (2009-2013); Guidetti & Bertolani (2005)

DTN taxon lists - Hexapoda (= Insecta and Entognatha)

List title List code Taxonomic or biotic group Region Taxon names (complete number) Taxon names below genus level (number) Synonyms (number); Higher classification above subgenus/ genus level (+/-) Vernacular names - DE (number) List curator(s) Organisation(s) and /or project(s) supporting curation activities Publications
About "Taxon list of Auchenorrhyncha from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Auchenorrhyncha_DE (854) Auchenorrhyncha Germany 887 626 - ; + 623 Björn Rulik ZFMK; GBOL Nickel & Remane (2002, 2003), Holzinger et al. (2003), Nickel (2010); Nickel et al. (2016); see also info under Rote Liste D 2016 Zikaden
About "Taxon list of Coleoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Coleoptera_DE (855) Coleoptera Germany 8.587 6.723 - ; + - Dr. Dirk Ahrens ZFMK; GBOL Köhler & Klausnitzer (1998); Rulik et al. (2017; supporting information); Schmidt et al. (2016); Spitzenberg et al. (2016); see also info under Rote Liste D 2016 Laufkäfer, Wasserkäfer
About "Taxon list of Collembola from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Collembola_DE (856) Collembola Germany 654 493 - ; + - Dr. Ulrich Burkhardt SGN; GBOL Schulz et al. (2003); Burkhardt (2012)
About Taxon list of Dermaptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Dermaptera_DE (864) Dermaptera Germany 28 8 - ; + 9 Prof. Dr. Horst Bohn, Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Fauna Europaea; Matzke & Köhler (2011); see also info under Rote Liste D 2011 Ohrwürmer
About Taxon list of Dictyoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Dictyoptera_DE (865) Dictyoptera Germany 32 14 - ; + 12 Prof. Dr. Horst Bohn, Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Fauna Europaea; Köhler & Bohn (2011); see also info under Rote Liste D 2011 Schaben
About the "Taxon list of Diplura from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Diplura_DE (876) Diplura Germany 45 17 - ; - - Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Christian (2003, 2009); Lock et al. (2010)
About the "Taxon list of Diptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Diptera_DE (881) Diptera Germany 11.566 9.436 - ; + - Björn Rulik ZFMK; GBOL Schumann et al. (1999); Schumann (2003, 2005, 2010) (bisher Nematocera und Brachycera, Rest folgt noch); Wagner (2016a, b, c, d); Havelka (2016); see also info under Rote Liste D 2016 Schmetterlingsmücken, Gnitzen, Dunkelmücken, Tastermücken, Büschelmücken; Ssymank et al. (2011); Meyer & Wagner (2011); Wolff (2011); see also info under Rote Liste D 2011 Schwebfliegen, Tanzfliegen, Raubfliegen
About the "Taxon list of Ephemeroptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Ephemeroptera_DE (866) Ephemeroptera Germany 169 116 - ; + - SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Fauna Europaea
Taxon list of Gnathifera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Gnathifera_DE Gnathifera Germany SNSB–ZSM; GBOL
About "Taxon list of Heteroptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Heteroptera_DE (858) Heteroptera Germany 1.281 893 - ; + - Dr. Carsten Morkel GBOL Aukema & Rieger (1995, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2006)
About "Taxon list of Hymenoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Hymenoptera_DE (867) Hymenoptera Germany 11.463 9.638 - ; + 74 Dr. Stefan Schmidt, Dr. Juan Carlos Monje, Ingo Wendt SNSB–ZSM; SMNS; GBOL Fauna Europaea; Westrich et al. (2011); Schmid-Egger (2011); Seifert (2011); Liston (2011); see also info under Rote Liste D 2011 Bienen, Ameisen, Pflanzenwespen
About "Taxon list of Hymenoptera from worldwide compiled in the context of the HYMIS project" TaxRef_HYMIS_Hymenoptera_World (1153) Hymenoptera World 3.077 2.578 - ; + 1 Dr. Stefan Schmidt SMNS
About "Taxon list of Lepidoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Lepidoptera_DE (863) Lepidoptera Germany 6.576 3.758 - ; + 1.884 Dr. Andreas Segerer, Dr. Axel Hausmann SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Segerer, A. (unpublished): Central Lepidopteran database; Reinhardt et al. (2011); Walchlin & Bolz (2011); Rennwald et al. (2011); Trusch et al. (2011); Nuss (2011); see also info under Rote Liste D 2011 Tagfalter, Eulenfalter, Spinner, Spanner, Zünslerfalter
About the "Taxon list of Mecoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Mecoptera_DE (857) Mecoptera Germany 19 9 - ; + - Thorsten Klug GBOL Saure (2003c)
About the "Taxon list of Megaloptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Megaloptera_DE (860) Megaloptera Germany 11 4 - ; + 3 ZFMK; GBOL Saure (2003b); Kleinsteuber & Röhricht (2011)
About the "Taxon list of Microcoryphia (Archaeognatha) from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Microcoryphia_DE (874) Microcoryphia (Archaeognatha) Germany 25 14 - ; + - Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Sturm (2001)
About the "Taxon list of Neuroptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Neuroptera_DE (878) Neuroptera Germany 145 101 - ; + 45 ZFMK; GBOL Saure (2003d); Kleinsteuber & Röhricht (2011)
About the "Taxon list of Odonata from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Odonata_DE (868) Odonata Germany 124 80 - ; + - SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Fauna Europaea
About the "Taxon list of Orthoptera (Grashoppers) from Germany compiled at the SNSB" TaxRef_SNSB_Orthoptera_DE (381) Orthoptera (Grashoppers) Germany 208 110 1; + 98 Dr. Sigfrid Ingrisch, Harald Schott ZFMK, SNSB; IBF Coray & Lehmann (1998); Detzel, P. (2001); Vorwald & Landeck (2003); Pankratius (2004); Maas et al. (2011); see also info under Rote Liste D 2011 Heuschrecken
About the "Taxon list of Phthiraptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Phthiraptera_DE (880) Phthiraptera Germany 569 411 - ; + 3 ZFMK; GBOL Mey (2003, 2011)
About the "Taxon list of Plecoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Plecoptera_DE (869) Plecoptera Germany 161 123 - ; + - SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Fauna Europaea
About the "Taxon list of Protura from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Protura_DE (877) Protura Germany 67 46 - ; + - Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Balkenhol & Szeptycki (2003); Szeptycki (2007)
About the "Taxon list of Psocoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Psocoptera_DE (859) Psocoptera Germany 165 98 - ; + - ZFMK; GBOL Lienhard & Smithers (2002); Lienhard (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012)
About the "Taxon list of Raphidioptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Raphidioptera_DE (861) Raphidioptera Germany 26 10 - ; + 10 ZFMK; GBOL Saure (2003a); Röhricht & Kleinsteuber (2011)
About the "Taxon list of Siphonaptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Siphonaptera_DE (872) Siphonaptera Germany 109 72 - ; + 22 ZFMK; GBOL Kutzscher & Striese (2003); Schumann (2011)
About the "Taxon list of Sternorrhyncha from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Sternorrhyncha_DE (879) Sternorrhyncha Germany 1.317 1.006 - ; + 46 ZFMK; GBOL Burckhardt & Lauterer (2003); Bährmann (2003); Thieme & Eggers-Schuhmacher (2003); Schmutterer (2003); Bährmann (2011); Schmutterer (2011); Thieme & Müller (2011); Burckhardt & Klausnitzer (2011)
About the "Taxon list of Strepsiptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Strepsiptera_DE (873) Strepsiptera Germany 36 15 - ; + - ZFMK; GBOL Pohl & Oehlke (2003)
About the "Taxon list of Thysanoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Thysanoptera_DE (862) Thysanoptera Germany 322 231 - ; + 26 ZFMK; GBOL Schliephake (2001); Vierbergen (2004a,b); Moritz (2011); Zur Strassen (2011); see also info under Rote Liste D 2011 Fransenflügler
About the "Taxon list of Trichoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Trichoptera_DE (870) Trichoptera Germany 450 323 - ; + Dr. Lars Hendrich SNSB–ZSM; GBOL Fauna Europaea; Robert (2016); see also info under Rote Liste D 2016 Köcherfliegen
About the "Taxon list of Zoraptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Zoraptera_DE Zoraptera Germany ZFMK; GBOL
About the "Taxon list of Zygentoma from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Zygentoma_DE (871) Zygentoma Germany 15 5 - ; + - Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB–ZSM; GBOL

DTN taxon lists - Vertebrata

List title List code Taxonomic or biotic group Region Taxon names (complete number) Taxon names below genus level (number) Synonyms (number); Higher classification above subgenus/ genus level (+/-) Vernacular names - DE (number) List curator(s) Organisation(s) and /or project(s) supporting curation activities Publications
About "Taxon list of Amphibia from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Amphibia_DE (924) Amphibia Germany 54 21 - ; + 22 Dr. Dennis Rödder ZFMK; GBOL Frost (2011), Kühnel et al. (2009b); see also info under Rote Liste D 2009 Lurche
Taxon list of Aves from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Aves_DE (926) Aves Germany 845 519 - ; + 621 Dr. Renate van den Elzen, Dr. Till Töpfer ZFMK; GBOL Barthel & Helbig (2005)
About "Taxon list of Mammalia from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Mammalia_DE (923) Mammalia Germany 126 107 - ; + 105 Dr. Rainer Hutterer ZFMK; GBOL Wilson & Reeder (2005); Meinig et al. (2009); see also info under Rote Liste D 2009 Säugetiere
Taxon list of Pisces from West Palaearctic compiled in the context of the FREDIE project TaxRef_FREDIE_Pisces-fw_Palaearctic Pisces (freshwater) West Palaearctic (Westpalaearktik) 1.049 - ; + - Dr. Matthias Geiger ZFMK; FREDIE Nicolas Bailley - Aquatic Biodiversity Informatics Office, The WorldFish Center and the FishBase Information Research Group, Inc., Los Baños, 4031 Laguna, Philippines. E-mail: n.bailly@cgiar.org
About "Taxon list of Pisces and Cyclostoma from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Pisces_DE (927) Pisces et Cyclostomata Germany 232 118 - ; + 103 Dr. Matthias Geiger ZFMK; GBOL Kottelat & Freyhof (2007); Freyhof (2009); see also info under Rote Liste D 2009 Süßwasserfische und -Neunaugen
About "Taxon list of Reptilia from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Reptilia_DE (925) Reptilia Germany 34 16 - ; + 13 Dr. Dennis Rödder ZFMK; GBOL Uetz (2012); Kühnel et al. (2009a); see also info under Rote Liste D 2009 Kriechtiere

DTN taxon lists - Fungi and Lichens, Fungal-like organisms

List title List code Taxonomic or biotic group Region Taxon names (complete number) Taxon names below genus level (number) Synonyms (number); Higher classification above subgenus/ genus level (+/-) Vernacular names - DE (number) List curator(s) Organisation(s) and /or project(s) supporting curation activities Publications
About "Taxon list of fungi and fungal-like organisms from Germany compiled by the DGfM" TaxRef_DGfM_Fungi_DE (1140) Fungi (including lichens, downy mildews and myxomycetes) Germany 32.676 29.680 11.766; + 3.664 Frank Dämmrich DGfM Index Fungorum online; Kirk et al. (2008); MycoBank online
Taxon list of Pucciniales from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Pucciniales_DE Pucciniales Germany Dr. Markus Scholler SMNK; GBOL Kirk et al. (2008); Scholler et al. (2011)
Taxon list of lichenicolous fungi from Germany compiled in the context of the LIAS Project TaxRef_LIAS_LichFungi_DE Lichen-associated fungi Germany 826 4 Wolfgang von Brackel, Dr. Dagmar Triebel, Dr. Konstanze Bensch SNSB–BSM; LIAS Wirth et al. 2011; LIASnames
Taxon list of lichenicolous fungi from United Kingdom compiled in the context of the LIAS project TaxRef_LIAS_LichFungi_UK Lichen-associated fungi United Kingdom 515 3 Dr. Dagmar Triebel SNSB–BSM; LIAS British Lichen Society online
Taxon list of lichens from Germany compiled in the context of the LIAS project TaxRef_LIAS_Lichens_DE Lichens Germany 5.279 220 Wolfgang von Brackel, Dr. Peter Scholz, Dr. Dagmar Triebel, Dr. Konstanze Bensch SNSB–BSM; LIAS Wirth et al. 2011; LIASnames
Taxon list of lichens from United Kingdom compiled in the context of the LIAS project TaxRef_LIAS_Lichens_UK Lichens United Kingdom 1.889 172 Dr. Dagmar Triebel, Dr. Konstanze Bensch SNSB–BSM; LIAS British Lichen Society online
Taxon list of Erysiphales from Germany compiled in the context of the LIAS project TaxRef_LIAS_Erys_DE Powdery mildews Germany 122 - Dr. Konstanze Bensch SNSB–BSM; LIAS Brandenburger & Hagedorn 2006; LIASnames
Taxon list of Myxomycetes from Germany compiled at the SNSB TaxRef_SNSB_Myxomycetes_DE Slime moulds Germany 401 - Andreas Kuhnt SNSB–BSM; GBIF.DE Schnittler et al. 2011; Eumycetozoa.com

DTN taxon lists - Plants

List title List code Taxonomic or biotic group Region Taxon names (complete number) Taxon names below genus level (number) Synonyms (number); Higher classification above subgenus/ genus level (+/-) Vernacular names - DE (number) List curator(s) Organisation(s) and /or project(s) supporting curation activities Publications
About "Taxon list of vascular plants from Bavaria, Germany compiled in the context of the BFL project" TaxRef_BFL_VPlants (1129) Vascular plants Bavaria 14.138 12.578 (8.231 accepted) 4.347; + 8.255 Wolfgang, Diewald, Wolfgang Ahlmer SNSB–BSM; BFL Lippert & Meierott (2014, 2018); Scheuerer & Ahlmer (2003); Wisskirchen & Haeupler (1998)
About "Taxon list of hornworts from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Hornworts_DE (853) Hornworts Germany 15 6 - ; + 6 Dr. Martin Nebel SMNS; GBOL Koperski et al. (2000); Meinunger & Schröder (2007a)
About "Taxon list of liverworts from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Liverworts_DE (852) Liverworts Germany 402 274 - ; + 266 Dr. Martin Nebel SMNS; GBOL Koperski et al. (2000); Meinunger & Schröder (2007a); Crandall-Stotler et al. (2009)
About "Taxon list of mosses from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Mosses_DE (849) Mosses Germany 1.413 1.089 176; + 882 Dr. Martin Nebel SMNS; GBOL Koperski et al. (2000); Meinunger & Schröder (2007a+b+c); Hill et al. (2006); Goffinet et al. (2009)
About "Taxon list of Pteridophyta from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project" TaxRef_GBOL_Pteridophyta_DE (851) Pteridophytes (= horsetails, ferns, club mosses, quillworts) Germany 154 92 - ; + 91 Dr. Martin Nebel SMNS; GBOL Korneck et al. (1996)
Taxon list of Spermatophyta from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Spermatophyta_DE Spermatophyta - for GBOL selected taxa! Germany 1.385 18; + 22 Dr. Ralf Hand BONN (Nees); GBOL

DTN taxon lists - Fossils

List title List code Taxonomic or biotic group Region Taxon names (complete number) Taxon names below genus level (number) Synonyms (number); Higher classification above subgenus/ genus level (+/-) Vernacular names - DE (number) List curator(s) Organisation(s) and /or project(s) supporting curation activities Publications
About "Taxon list of Jurassic Pisces of the Tethys Palaeo-Environment compiled at the SNSB-JME" TaxRef_SNSB-JME_Pisces_Jurassic_Tethys (1154) Pisces Jurassic - Tethys 1383 1100 647; + - Martin Ebert SNSB-JME listed in the About

DTN taxon lists - TaxaVaria

List title List code Taxonomic or biotic group Region Taxon names (complete number) Taxon names below genus level (number) Synonyms (number); Higher classification above subgenus/ genus level (+/-) Vernacular names - DE (number) List curator(s) Organisation(s) and /or project(s) supporting curation activities Publications
About "Taxon list of animals with German names (worldwide) compiled at the SMNS" TaxRef_SMNS_GermanNames_World (1144) Animals with German names World 18.220 12.596 - ; + 12.590 Dr. Joachim Holstein, Dr. Juan Carlos Monje SMNS; GFBio Fotolulu (2015)
Taxon list of plant galls from Germany compiled at the UBT TaxRef_UBT_Galls_DE Plant gall inducing organisms Germany 493 - ; + 20 Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rambold, Alexander Guhr UBT; IBF Buhr (2005 onwards); Redfern & Shirley (2012)
Taxon list of Subterrane Fauna from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Subterra_DE Subterrane Fauna Germany 361 - ; + 1 Dr. Alexander Weigand BiK-F; GBOL de Jong (2012); Weber (2012, 2013); Zaenker (2008)
About "Taxon list of pest organisms for IPM at natural history collections compiled at the SNSB" TaxRef_SNSB_NHC-Pests (1190) IPM Pests at natural history collections World 214 89 - ; + 97 (en: 72) Stephan Biebl, Dr. Carla Novoa Sepúlveda SNSB https://museumsschaedlinge.de/thema/schaedlinge/; https://wiki.pestinfo.org/wiki/Pests-diseases-weeds; literature listed in the About
Taxon list of beneficial organisms for IPM at natural history collections compiled at the SNSB TaxRef_SNSB_NHC-Beneficials (1192) IPM Beneficials at natural history collections World - - ; + xx20 Stephan Biebl, Dr. Carla Novoa Sepúlveda SNSB https://museumsschaedlinge.de/biologische-bekaempfung/; https://wiki.pestinfo.org/wiki/Beneficials
Taxon list of by catch organisms for IPM at natural history collections compiled at the SNSB TaxRef_SNSB_NHC-Bycatchs (1193) IPM Bycatchs at natural history collections World - - ; + xx20 Stephan Biebl, Dr. Carla Novoa Sepúlveda SNSB -
  • Further name projects and taxon lists designed for specific research projects and institutional collection purposes are stored in the DWB environments e.g. of SMNK, SNSB, UBT, ZFMK.
  • There are some DTN taxon lists with restricted access rights for GBOL. They are stored in the ZFMK installation of the DWB.

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