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This calendar Wiki page lists events as organised by the [http://www.snsb.info/ SNSB IT Center] and events with active participation of staff of the SNSB IT Center. The events might be devoted either to [https://diversityworkbench.net/Portal/Diversity_Workbench DWB software] development, training or to topics related to sustainable data repositories and domain-specific data management.
This calendar Wiki page lists events as organised by the [http://www.snsb.info/ SNSB IT Center] and events with active participation of staff of the SNSB IT Center. The events might be devoted either to [https://diversityworkbench.net/Portal/Diversity_Workbench DWB software] development, training or to topics related to sustainable data repositories and domain-specific data management.
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== Upcoming Events ==
== Upcoming Events ==
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|2023, September 12th to 14th September|| [https://www.nfdi.de/cordi-2023/ 1st Conference on Research Data Infrastructure (CoRDI)], Karlsruhe; [https://www.nfdi.de/cordi-2023-call-for-posters/ Poster Abstract Submission until June 16th]; see also [https://kb.gfbio.org/display/NFDI/CoRDI+-+Conference+on+Research+Data+Infrastructure+2023 NFDI4Biodiversity wiki]; UseCase 16 Poster mit DWB Bezug
|2023, September 12th to 16th September|| [https://www.gfoe-conference.de/index.php?cat=show_start&LANG=de 52. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Ökologie e.V.], [https://www.gfoe-conference.de/index.php?cat=program program], Leipzig; Presentation: "Ready to answer questions about regional biodiversity change? Metrics of two large heterogeneous datasets of plant occurrences for visualization and analysis in GBIF and NFDI" (BK at Wednesday, 13th, 14:45 – 15:00, HS 2, for abstract see [https://docs.google.com/document/d/18h_xTnD_XBpB00uMPkLWNHAs_vG6Nb5MueJSsnC21Ig/edit here])
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|2023, October 9th to October 13th|| [https://www.tdwg.org/conferences/2023/ TDWG Annual Conference], Hobart, Australia (hybrid); [https://mailchi.mp/tdwg.org/tdwg-2023-call-for-abstracts call for abstracts]; Presentation: "GBIF-Compliant Data Pipeline for the Management and Publication of a Global Taxonomic Reference List of Pests in Natural History Collections" (CN, for abstract see [https://doi.org/10.3897/biss.7.112391 here]); see also https://biss.pensoft.net/collection/425/ and Presentation "Mapping across Standards to Calculate the MIDS Level of Digitisation of Natural Science Collections" (EH, for abstract see [xx]
|2023, October 9th to October 10th||[http://www.snsb.info/SNSBInfoOpenWiki/Wiki.jsp?page=DivWorkbenchWorkshop_45 DWB Training for Scientists: Mobilizing Ethnobiological Data in Africa – 45. Diversity Workbench Workshop]; International Training Centre for Environmental Research ([https://itcer.org ITCER]), Ng'iya, Siaya County, Kenya (DT, TW)
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|2023, October 11th to October 12th||[http://www.snsb.info/SNSBInfoOpenWiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Expert%20Workshop%20on%20GBIF%20Data%20Publication%20in%20Africa Expert Workshop on GBIF Data Publication in Africa]; International Training Centre for Environmental Research ([https://itcer.org ITCER]), Ng'iya, Siaya County, Kenya (DT, TW)
|2023, October15th to October 20th|| [https://gb30.gbif.org/ GB30 Australia - The 30th meeting of the GBIF Governing Board and associated events], Canberra, Australia with [https://gb30.gbif.org/programme programme](?DT, global nodes meeting at 17th, 9:00 to 17:00 - virtual; additional delegate?)
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|2023, November 7th||SNSB-Forschungssymposium, organisiert vom SNSB-Fachausschuss Forschung, München, Menzinger Strasse 67 (9 Uhr bis 17:15 Uhr), 2 Poster NFDI4Biodiversity zu Überblick und zu Data Centers anmelden? Kurzvortrag: 10 Minuten (8 + 2) – SNSB-Wissenschaftler:in?; siehe auch [https://snsb.de/ueber-uns/organigramm/ SNSB Organigramm]. Anmeldung von Vorträgen und Postern bis 15.9.? Vielleicht H. Höfer einladen?
|2023, November 13th to November 15th||[https://kb.gfbio.org/display/NFDI/2023-11-13+TA3+F2F+Meeting NFDI4Biodiversity TA3 Meeting], Köln, [https://koeln.die-wohngemeinschaft.net/ Tagungsstätte ‚die wohngemeinschaft‘] (DT, TW), [https://www.hotel-chelsea.de/ Chelsea Hotel]
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|2023, November 16th to November 17th||NFDI4Biodiversity Treffen Strategischer Beirat + SC, Köln, [https://www.die-wohngemeinschaft.net Tagungsstätte ‚die wohngemeinschaft‘]
|2023, December 6th to December 7th|| GFBio e.V. Seminar, Bremen (DT)
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|2024, April 24th to April 26th ||All Hand Conference (AHC) NFDI4Biodiversity, München, Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns (mit Beiträgen der SNSB); DWB Workshop im "Side Program" geplant
== Past Events ==
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|2023, September 7th || [https://www.nfdi.de/section-infra/?lang=en NFDI Section Common Infrastructure], Monthly online Meeting der AG Long Term Archival (LTA) (DT)
|2024, April 24th || Bayerisches Vernetzungstreffen zu Biodiversitätsdaten (Vorprogramm zu [https://www.nfdi4biodiversity.org/de/events/all-hands-conference-2024/ All Hands Conference 2024], 10:00-12:00, Geschlossener Teilnehmerkreis), München, Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns (TW)  
|2023, September 6th || CETAF ISTC Meeting: Type specimens: opportunities with the Taxonomic Resolution Engine (TRE, wikibase) as part of the TETTRIs EU project, online (DT)
|2024, April 24th ||TETTRIs SAB Meeting (16:00 – 17:00; Zoom, Marta Leon Monedero)
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|2023, September 5th|| [https://www.nfdi4biodiversity.org/de/events/ NFDI4Biodiversity Project Forum] (ZOOM online event); Presentation "Kooperation von GDA und SNSB (Pilotprojekt zur Archivierung der Datensammlung zu den Mehltaupilzen sowie die dazugehörige Datenbankstruktur über den Standard SIARD)", see also [https://kb.gfbio.org/display/NFDI/2023-09-05+Project+Forum+19 here], online (DT, TW)
|2024, April 24th to April 26th ||[https://www.nfdi4biodiversity.org/de/events/all-hands-conference-2024/ NFDI4Biodiversity All Hands Conference 2024], München, Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns (mit Beiträgen der SNSB) (TW, SS, DT)
|2023, August 2nd|| [https://www.snsb.info/SNSBInfoOpenWiki/Wiki.jsp?page=DivWorkbenchWorkshop_44 44. Diversity Workbench Workshop – Management von Daten zu Personen und Organisationen] (ZOOM online event); SNSB IT Center in München
|2024, April 26th ||GBIF community webinar to kick off the 2024 regional nodes meetings and to introduce the upcoming call for proposals for the [https://www.gbif.org/programme/82219/capacity-enhancement-support-programme Capacity Enhancement Support Programme (CESP)]
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|2023, July 20th|| [https://www.gda.bayern.de/aktuelles/bayern4nfdi-vernetzungstreffen/ Bayern4NFDI – Vernetzungstreffen der an der NFDI beteiligten Institutionen in Bayern], Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns, München, Kurzvortrag T. Weibulat "Was haben Mehltaupilze mit digitaler Langzeitarchivierung zu tun? Archivierung von Sammlungsdaten mit SIARD", see also [https://zenodo.org/record/8182883 Abstract publication] (DT, TW)
|2024, April 29th to 30th|| CETAF Information Science & Technology Commission (ISTC) Meeting and Digitisation Working Group (DWG) Meeting, Prague, Infos und Agenda, see [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A2ZqdCwn12IyuKw3o_Tin-EyyadOeeMa_5MZs22Rrsw/edit#heading=h.tyf5w3q3af41 here] (SS, DT)
|2023, July 11th || [https://kb.gfbio.org/display/NFDI/2023-07-11+Project+Forum+18+inkl.+Konsortium+gem.+Satzung NFDI4Biodiversity Project Forum 18 inkl. Konsortium gem. Satzung] (ZOOM online event) (DT)
|2024, May 26th to May 28th||GBIF ECA 2024 - Regional Europe and Central Asia Nodes Meeting, Zagreb; see [https://bit.ly/gbif-eca2024 Agenda] and [https://www.gbif.org/event/1ztgiIhMCnh0roNxHeJW1c/_preview GBIF Event Page Preview] (TW, DT)
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|2023, July 5th ||Mitgliederversammlung von [https://www.gfbio.org/gfbio_ev/ GFBio – Gesellschaft für Biologische Daten e.V.], online, 15:00-17:00 (DT, SS, TW)
|2024, May 27th to May 28th||55th General Assembly of CETAF (CETAF55), Oslo, Norway, hosted by the Natural History Museum of Oslo, University of Oslo
|2024, May 28th|| GFBio e.V. Mitgliederversammlung, virtuell (17.00 to 19.00)
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|2023, June 28th || [https://www.nfdi.de/section-infra/?lang=en NFDI Section Common Infrastructure], Workshop der AG Long Term Archival (LTA) (see [https://zenodo.org/record/6451456#.ZARJCnbMLZQ concept]), ZB MED Köln und Hybrid (DT, SS)
|2024, June 10th||[https://www.feda.bio/de/ FEdA] Workshop zu "Metadaten", virtuell (TW)
|2023, June 26th to June 27th|| [https://events.gfbio.org/event/34/ NFDI4Biodiversity TA4 Meeting], Kassel-Wilhelmhöhe; Tagungshotel Schweizerhof (DT, SS)
|2024, June 19th to June 20th||NFDI4Biodiversity, 2. Bioschemas.org Workshop, Braunschweig, DSMZ (SS?)
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|2023, June 22nd to June 23rd|| [https://events.gfbio.org/event/33/ NFDI4Biodiversity SC Klausurtagung – 29. SC-Meeting], SUB Göttingen, Historisches Gebäude; [https://www.freigeist-hotels.de/de/freigeist-hotels/freigeist-nordstadt/ Hotel FREIgeist Göttingen Nordstadt] (DT)
|2024, August 28th||GFBio-NFDI4BioDiversity-U. Bremen Research Alliance: Data Train 2024 Workshop & Session, Bremen (TW), see [https://kb.gfbio.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=137527372 here]
|2023, June 15th|| Koordinationstreffen [https://www.leibniz-gemeinschaft.de/infrastrukturen/leibniz-roadmap-forschungsinfrastrukturen OSIRIS], Bonn (SS)
|2024, September 2nd to September 6th||[https://www.tdwg.org/conferences/2024/ SPNHC -TDWG 2024 Conference], Okinawa, Japan, hosted by the NPO Osaka Natural History Center
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|2023, June 14th to June 15th||[https://kb.gfbio.org/display/NFDI/2023-06-14+TA3+Core+Meeting NFDI4Biodiversity TA3 Core Meeting intern], GWDG Göttingen, Geiststraße 10 - Besprechungsraum (DT, TW)
|2024, September 18th to September 20th||[https://ipm2024.org/ PM-CH 2024 Integrated Pest Management for Cultural Heritage], Humboldt Forum Berlin, Germany; [https://ipm2024.org/program/ program]
|2023, May 30th to May 31st|| (Bio)schema.org Workshop for NFDI4Biodiversity, Braunschweig, DSMZ (SS)
|2024, September 30th to October 4th||GBIF Governing Board meeting (GB31), Vairão in the Porto region in Portugal
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|2023, May 15th to May 18th||[https://www.gbif.org/event/7po0ipGIjX0eXH4lsNzDmH/europe-and-central-asia-nodes-meeting-2023 GBIF ECA 2023 - Regional Europe and Central Asia Nodes Meeting] with [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1__2TzzkmZJNVUUwuqcWk4FkEKRy7GlzUyICg4wB_FSc/edit Objectives and Agenda], Warsaw (TW)
|2024, October 25th or 26th (?)||11. Tag der Bayernflora; München
|2023, April 21th || [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_LfM5zqbAeAY2QEpblCXhsCHNFJhXq_OQBMEzWbK9Pw/ CETAF Information Science & Technology Commission (ISTC) Meeting and Digitisation Working Group (DWG) Meeting] (webex online, 10:00 - 16:00 CEST) (DT, SS)
|2024, November 5th to November 6th||2. GFBio  e.V. Seminar, Bremen
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|2023, March 29th|| [http://www.snsb.info/SNSBInfoOpenWiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Arbeitstreffen%20zur%20DWB%20Interoperabilit%C3%A4t Arbeitstreffen der Münchner Einrichtungen BSB, GDA und SNSB zur DWB Interoperabilität], Menzinger Str. 67, SNSB-BSM und IT Center
|2023, March 22nd to March 23rd|| [https://www.nfdi.de/section-infra/?lang=en NFDI Section Common Infrastructure], Workshop der AG LTA (see [https://zenodo.org/record/6451456#.ZARJCnbMLZQ concept]), [https://www.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/die_bibliothek/index.de.jsp Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek Darmstadt], Magdalenenstr. 8, 64289 Darmstadt, Vortragssaal im UG 1 (S1 / 20, R. 01; ab 9.30 Uhr); siehe auch [https://www.ratskeller-darmstadt.de/ Ratskeller Darmstadt]
== Past Events ==
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|2023, March 10th to 11th|| Initiative "Atlas Flora Alpina" – Kick-off meeting; Lugano (Switzerland): Museo cantonale di storia naturale, Viale Carlo Cattaneo 4, 6900 Lugano, Schweiz
|2024, April 16th|| [https://www.gbif.org/event/KqKofU1tg3NHjZ4OCJpra/biodiversa-gbif-joint-symposium Biodiversa+ and GBIF 2nd joint symposium "Call for the set-up of national biodiversity monitoring hubs"], Helsinki; see also [https://assets.ctfassets.net/uo17ejk9rkwj/7tGYDihd7LIzrJVPqCDMs5/93d93aa827e16e07c9f5bbf3a1e5216e/Agenda_for_Biodiversa_GBIF_2nd_symposium_2024.pdf Agenda] and the [https://www.biodiversa.eu/2024/02/07/pilot-project-explores-governance-and-standards-for-cross-border-biodiversity-monitoring/ Biodiversa+ report on national biodiversity monitoring centres from February 2024], virtual access for GBIF node staff
|2023, March 6th to  March 10th|| [https://sites.google.com/view/btw-2023-tud BTW 2023 Dresden - 20th Conference on Database Systems for Business, Technology and Web https://sites.google.com/view/btw-2023-tud],[https://sites.google.com/view/btw-2023-tud/program/workshops/w2-big-and-small-data-in-science-and-humanities?authuser=0 Workshop on Big (and Small) Data in Science and Humanities (BigDS2023)], member of the program committee
|2024, April 16th|| [https://www.nfdi4biodiversity.org/de/events/biodiversitea-1/ BiodiversiTea #1 API für die Abfrage von Taxa und Konzeptbeziehungen aus dem Checklisten-System des Bundesamts für Naturschutz (BfN)], ZOOM Meeting, organisiert von [https://www.nfdi4biodiversity.org NFDI4Biodiversity]
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|2023, March 3rd|| [https://wiki.bayernflora.de/web/Viertes_Treffen_des_Fachbeirates_der_AG_Flora_von_Bayern Viertes Treffen des Fachbeirates der AG Flora von Bayern]; event at SNSB - Botanische Staatssammlung München and SNSB IT Center, München
|2024, April 12th to 13th|| Initiative "Atlas Flora Alpina" – Second meeting; Rovereto (Italy) (JW, WD), see also [https://www.alpine-space.eu/ Interreg Alpine Space Programme] mit [https://www.alpine-space.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Interreg_Alpine_Space_programme_2021-2027-1.pdf Rahmenprogramm 2021-2027 als pdf] und [https://demo.atlasfloraalpina.org/de/ Demo Installation Atlas Flora Alpina] (JW, WD)
|2023, February 7th to 9th|| [https://futures.dissco.eu/ DiSSCo Futures]: wrap up of the three DISSCo-linked projects – DiSSco Prepare, SYNTHESYS+ and [https://www.mobilise-action.eu COST MOBILISE], including training event; Brussels (Belgium): [https://docs.google.com/document/d/1F1F3uZvk6WZht5tPa_rpwWMixXmdihgh/edit Practical information]
|2024, April 3rd||Technical Support Hour for nodes with [https://www.gbif.org/event/6FM0vVDgOK6ZpX3why3WbY/technical-support-hour-for-gbif-nodes-april-2024 A general introduction to GBIFs technical documentation] (DT)
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|2023, February 1st|| [https://www.en.sysbot.bio.lmu.de/seminars/seminars3/index.html LMU Botany Seminar Winter Semester 2022 – 2023]: lecture "The Diversity Workbench framework at the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change: From the collection object to FAIR data" (Peter Grobe) with [https://www.en.sysbot.bio.lmu.de/seminars/lib/index.html abstract] and [https://www.sysbot.bio.lmu.de/files/dwblib.pdf pdf]; Munich (hybid event)
|2024, March 21th ||SNSB intern DWB Einführung in den DWB-Import Wizard
|2023, January 12th to January 14th|| [https://www.mobilise-action.eu/wg-4/ COST MOBILISE WG 4] Workshop: [https://costmobilise.biowikifarm.net/wiki/WG4_Workshop:_Completing_editorial_work_on_the_%22Guideline_for_long-term_preservation_and_archiving_of_data_products_from_scientific_collections_facilities%22_in_Munich Finalisation of the Guideline for Long-Term Preservation and Archiving of Data Products/ Data Constructs from Scientific Collections Facilities], see also [https://www.mobilise-action.eu/COST COST Action MOBILISE Recent Posts], event at SNSB IT Center, München
|2024, March 19th ||Using Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) to ensure Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Heritage Preservation, [https://africapidalliance.org/ The Africa PID Alliance], [https://datacite.org/events/ DateCite Event] online (DT)
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|2022, December 5th to December 7th|| [https://acro.ceu.edu/erasmus-mobility-program ERASMUS+ Mobility Program] training event, academic staff members from Czech Republic, Charles University, Faculty of Science and SNSB IT Center; topics: GBIF nodes, GBIF backbone taxonomy and DWB, TDWG standards and updates, DiSSco and CETAF consortium; event at SNSB IT Center, München; see [https://wiki.bayernflora.de/web/Erasmus%2BExchange-Meeting-2022 Agenda]
|2024, March 14th ||SNSB intern DWB Einführung in die Kastendigitalisierung (MW, SS, TW)
|2022, November 21st to November 25th|| [https://sfe2gfomeeting.sciencesconf.org/ SFE² GfÖ EEF Joint meeting], International Conference on Ecological Sciences "Ecology and Evolution: New perspectives and societal challenges" with Session GBIF4Ecology and lecture "Natural History Collections in their role of providing vouchered and georeferenced data sources to the GBIF network" (D. Triebel, J. Holetschek & T. Weibulat); Metz, France; see [https://sfe2gfomeeting.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/7 programme]
|2024, March 13th ||NFDI e.V. Base4NFDI Workshop AAI, see [https://doc.nfdi-aai.de/ NFDI AAI Documentation] (SS)
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|2022, November 16th || 3. BfN Workshop „Inhaltliche und Datenstandards, Datenmodell für Beobachtungsdaten und Nachweise", BfN Bonn; virtuell auf Einladung; Julia Wellsow; Protokolle der ersten beiden Workshops 2022 im Wiki?
|2024, March 5th to March 6th ||Vorstandsklausur GFBio e.V., [https://www.campreinsehlen.de/de/seminare/ Camp Reinsehlen] (DT); contact: Sandra Nowack
|2022, October 19th to November 3rd|| [http://www.snsb.info/SNSBInfoOpenWiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Expert%20Workshop%20on%20GBIF%20Data Expert Workshop on GBIF Data] at [https://itcer.org ITCER International Training Centre]; Siaya, Kenya
|2024, February 29th ||OSIRIS Vorbereitungstreffen, Deutsches Museum, München (SS)
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|2022, October 17th to October 21st|| [https://www.tdwg.org/conferences/2022/ TDWG 2022 Stronger Together: Standards for linking biodiversity data] (hybrid); Sofia, Bulgaria; see [https://biss.pensoft.net/collection/384/ TDWG Proceedings 2022 with BISS abstract collection]; see also [https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Status_updates/2022_10_31 Wikidata Status updates October 2022 on past events]
|2024, January 25th to January 26th ||NFDI4Biodiversity SC-Klausurtagung, [https://events.gfbio.org/event/46/ Event Agenda und Registrierung], Bremen (SS, DT)
|2022, October 11th to October 14th|| [https://www.gfbio.org/de/gfbio_ev GFBio e.V. Vorstandssitzung] and [https://www.nfdi4biodiversity.org/de/conference2022/ NFDI4Biodiversity All hands conference]; Berlin, several talks and one workshop "Validierung von Portalen zur Registrierung von Services" , T. Weibulat
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|2022, October 8th|| Treffen der [https://wiki.bayernflora.de/web/AG_Flora_von_Bayern AG Flora von Bayern], Geschäftsführende Steuerungsgruppe und Regionalkoordinatoren, Nürnberg (Norishalle), Dr. J. Wellsow
|2022, October 2nd to October 6th|| [https://gb29.gbif.org/ GB29: 29th Meeting of the GBIF Governing Board]; Brussels, Belgia (status: Member of the [https://www.gbif.org/country/DE/participation German delegation])
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|2022, August 17th to August 18th|| Kick-Off-Meeting der WG/AG Long-term Archival (LTA) innerhalb der Sektion [https://www.nfdi.de/section-infra/ Common Infrastructures] des NFDI e.V.; Vortrag "NFDI4Biodiversity Use Cases zur Langzeitarchivierung", M. Puchta (GDA), D. Triebel; Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt; for further info see Charta/ Concept der [https://zenodo.org/record/6451456 LTA Working group]; fachliche Vertretung von SNSB als Mitglied des NFDI4Biodiversity [https://kb.gfbio.org/download/attachments/54101584/Konsortialleitfaden.pdf?version=1&modificationDate=1648033920100&api=v2 Konsortiums gemäß NFDI e.V. Satzung] und institutionelles Mitglied von NFDI e.V., siehe auch [https://www.nfdi4biodiversity.org/de/ NFDI4Biodiversity] als Konsortium gemäß Bund-Länder-Vereinbarung (dort SNSB Co-Speaker) und intern unter https://kb.gfbio.org/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=54101584
|2022, June 29th|| Uni Bremen Research Alliance, [https://www.uni-bremen.de/research-alliance/forschungsdaten/data-train/data-train-curriculum/data-steward-track/ot-st-ws-05-how-to-write-a-data-management-plan Data Train Workshop]: T. Weibulat, moderation and lecture: How to write a data management plan?
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|2022, June 22nd|| [http://www.snsb.info/SNSBInfoOpenWiki/Wiki.jsp?page=DivWorkbenchWorkshop_43 43. Diversity Workbench Workshop – Schlaglichter rund um das Diversity Workbench Netzwerk] (ZOOM online event); SNSB IT Center in München
|2022, May 23rd to May 25th|| [https://www.gbif.org/event/96c29d-9c11-476f-a011-3148ed9/europe-and-central-asia-nodes-meeting-2022 GBIF ECA 2022 - Regional Europe and Central Asia (ECA) nodes meeting]; Luxembourg
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== [[Past Events 2022-2023]] ==
== [[Past Events 2020-2021]] ==
== [[Past Events 2020-2021]] ==

Revision as of 17:06, 16 April 2024

This calendar Wiki page lists events as organised by the SNSB IT Center and events with active participation of staff of the SNSB IT Center. The events might be devoted either to DWB software development, training or to topics related to sustainable data repositories and domain-specific data management.


Upcoming Events

Termin Event
2024, April 24th Bayerisches Vernetzungstreffen zu Biodiversitätsdaten (Vorprogramm zu All Hands Conference 2024, 10:00-12:00, Geschlossener Teilnehmerkreis), München, Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns (TW)
2024, April 24th TETTRIs SAB Meeting (16:00 – 17:00; Zoom, Marta Leon Monedero)
2024, April 24th to April 26th NFDI4Biodiversity All Hands Conference 2024, München, Generaldirektion der Staatlichen Archive Bayerns (mit Beiträgen der SNSB) (TW, SS, DT)
2024, April 26th GBIF community webinar to kick off the 2024 regional nodes meetings and to introduce the upcoming call for proposals for the Capacity Enhancement Support Programme (CESP)
2024, April 29th to 30th CETAF Information Science & Technology Commission (ISTC) Meeting and Digitisation Working Group (DWG) Meeting, Prague, Infos und Agenda, see here (SS, DT)
2024, May 26th to May 28th GBIF ECA 2024 - Regional Europe and Central Asia Nodes Meeting, Zagreb; see Agenda and GBIF Event Page Preview (TW, DT)
2024, May 27th to May 28th 55th General Assembly of CETAF (CETAF55), Oslo, Norway, hosted by the Natural History Museum of Oslo, University of Oslo
2024, May 28th GFBio e.V. Mitgliederversammlung, virtuell (17.00 to 19.00)
2024, June 10th FEdA Workshop zu "Metadaten", virtuell (TW)
2024, June 19th to June 20th NFDI4Biodiversity, 2. Bioschemas.org Workshop, Braunschweig, DSMZ (SS?)
2024, August 28th GFBio-NFDI4BioDiversity-U. Bremen Research Alliance: Data Train 2024 Workshop & Session, Bremen (TW), see here
2024, September 2nd to September 6th SPNHC -TDWG 2024 Conference, Okinawa, Japan, hosted by the NPO Osaka Natural History Center
2024, September 18th to September 20th PM-CH 2024 Integrated Pest Management for Cultural Heritage, Humboldt Forum Berlin, Germany; program
2024, September 30th to October 4th GBIF Governing Board meeting (GB31), Vairão in the Porto region in Portugal
2024, October 25th or 26th (?) 11. Tag der Bayernflora; München
2024, November 5th to November 6th 2. GFBio e.V. Seminar, Bremen

Past Events

Termin Event
2024, April 16th Biodiversa+ and GBIF 2nd joint symposium "Call for the set-up of national biodiversity monitoring hubs", Helsinki; see also Agenda and the Biodiversa+ report on national biodiversity monitoring centres from February 2024, virtual access for GBIF node staff
2024, April 16th BiodiversiTea #1 API für die Abfrage von Taxa und Konzeptbeziehungen aus dem Checklisten-System des Bundesamts für Naturschutz (BfN), ZOOM Meeting, organisiert von NFDI4Biodiversity
2024, April 12th to 13th Initiative "Atlas Flora Alpina" – Second meeting; Rovereto (Italy) (JW, WD), see also Interreg Alpine Space Programme mit Rahmenprogramm 2021-2027 als pdf und Demo Installation Atlas Flora Alpina (JW, WD)
2024, April 3rd Technical Support Hour for nodes with A general introduction to GBIFs technical documentation (DT)
2024, March 21th SNSB intern DWB Einführung in den DWB-Import Wizard
2024, March 19th Using Persistent Identifiers (PIDs) to ensure Indigenous Knowledge and Cultural Heritage Preservation, The Africa PID Alliance, DateCite Event online (DT)
2024, March 14th SNSB intern DWB Einführung in die Kastendigitalisierung (MW, SS, TW)
2024, March 13th NFDI e.V. Base4NFDI Workshop AAI, see NFDI AAI Documentation (SS)
2024, March 5th to March 6th Vorstandsklausur GFBio e.V., Camp Reinsehlen (DT); contact: Sandra Nowack
2024, February 29th OSIRIS Vorbereitungstreffen, Deutsches Museum, München (SS)
2024, January 25th to January 26th NFDI4Biodiversity SC-Klausurtagung, Event Agenda und Registrierung, Bremen (SS, DT)

Past Events 2022-2023

Past Events 2020-2021

Past Events 2018-2019

Past Events 2016-2017

Past Events 2014-2015

Past Events 2009-2013

Click also Workshops at the SNSB IT Center.

For internal project meetings see IBF interne Arbeitstreffen.

Template: Agenda

DiversityMobile and Diversity Workbench Reviews for press