TK25 Maps Bavaria for DiversityMobile
In cooperation with the Bayerische Vermessungsverwaltung the SNSB IT Center offers a user-restricted web service to use TK25 Bayern Topographische Karten for the DiversityMobile WP app. These 598 topographic standard maps (1:25 000; landscape of c. 130 km²; overview) are confined by limits of the geographic net and are identified by a 4-digit number and a title referring to a geographic name, e.g. Blatt Eichstätt.
Through the TK25 Maps Bavaria for DWB service the maps are accessible in a special format and resolution appropriate for the DiversityMobile WP app. You might select a map from the overview layer by mouse click and download the resulting png and xml files.
The direct download through the DiversityMobile app is managed by clicking the title of the map.
TK25 Maps Bavaria for DWB is currently available for researchers in the IBF and Flora von Bayern projects only. Please ask D. Triebel or T. Weibulat, SNSB IT Center, for login data.