DTN Taxon Lists Services

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The IBF project/ DiversityMobile (smartphone app, app for Tablet PCs), the German Barcode of Life (=GBOL) project as well as many other biodiversity research projects depend on national/ regional species checklists/ taxon reference lists. Starting with early 2012 we developed a concept to offer open and freely accessible services with a dynamic data flow involving DTN data bases. The concept was first presented in September 2012 on a Diversity Workbench Workshop devoted to this theme. It is explained in detail under DTN taxon lists concept and architecture. Relevant meta data are managed by TNT server installations of DiversityAgents and DiversityProjects (including Agents IDs and projects IDs).

Since 2014 – as part of the GFBio project – the services on the "Taxon-names-and-terms-(TNT)" server are extended concerning IT and content. A REST API called "Web Services for Diversity Workbench Taxon Lists" is going to be developped. (** Test:Starting page under *** services.snsb.info/DTNtaxonlists *** ). The services will be registered in the BiodiversityCatalogue and accessed by the GFBio terminology server.

This page is for a first organising of the meta data from the available taxon lists. Currently, the scientific content is curated mainly by taxonomists from SMNS, SNSB (with BSM and ZSM) and ZFMK.

In 2014 the following stakeholders are active:



  • German Barcode of Life (GBOL) – coordination of taxon list mobilisation and curation: Björn Rulik and Jerome Mornière

Biological Societies:

DTN taxon lists legend

Taxon list missing
Taxon list exist but import confirmation missing
ready for import
imported, ready for checking
ready to use

DTN taxon lists - Animalia varia (excluding insects and vertebrates)

List title List code Taxonomic or biotic group Region Taxon names below genus level (number) Synonyms (number); Higher classification above subgenus/ genus level (+/-) Vernacular names - DE (number) List curator(s) Vernacular names curator(s) Responsible institution(s) Publications
Taxon list of Acoelomorpha from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Acoelomorpha_DE Acoelomorpha Germany SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Annelida from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Annelida_DE Annelida s.l. Germany 288 - ; + - SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Arachnida from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Arachnida_DE Arachnida ["Rest", exkl. Araneae, Oribatida, Pseudoscorpiones, Opiliones] Germany SMNK, SMNS, ZFMK
Taxon list of Araneae from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Araneae_DE Araneae Germany Dr. Hubert Höfer SMNK
Taxon list of Bryozoa from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Bryozoa_DE Bryozoa Germany 16 - ; + 3 SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Chilopoda from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Chilopoda_DE Chilopoda Germany 61 - ; + - Dr. Jörg Spelda, Dr. Thomas Wesener ZFMK, SNSB/ZSM Voigtländer et al. (2011)
Taxon list of Cnidaria from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Cnidaria_DE Cnidaria Germany 31 - ; + 3 SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Crustacea from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Crustacea_DE Crustacea Germany 458 - ; + - ZFMK Boxshall (2013)
Taxon list of Diplopoda from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Diplopoda_DE Diplopoda Germany 135 - ; + 5 Dr. Jörg Spelda, Dr. Thomas Wesener Dr. Jörg Spelda, Dr. Thomas Wesener ZFMK, SNSB/ZSM Voigtländer et al. (2011)
Taxon list of Mollusca from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Mollusca_DE Mollusca Germany 363 - ; + 253 Katrin Koller Katrin Koller SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Nemathelminthes from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Nemathelminthes_DE Nemathelminthes Germany SMNS
Taxon list of Nemertini from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Nemertini_DE Nemertini Germany SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Opiliones from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Opiliones_DE Opiliones Germany 51 - ; + 2 ZFMK Blick & Komposch (2004); Schönhofer & Holle (2007); Schönhofer & Hillen (2008)
Taxon list of Oribatida from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Oribatida_DE Oribatida Germany 588 - ; + - Dr. Ulrich Burkhardt SGN Höfer & Horak (2012)
Taxon list of Ostracoda from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Ostracoda_DE Ostracoda Germany 305 - ; + - Dr. Finn Viehberg Uni Köln Kempf (1980, 1986, 1995, 1997)
Taxon list of Pauropoda from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Pauropoda_DE Pauropoda Germany 32 - ; + - Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Plathelminthes from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Plathelminthes_DE Plathelminthes Germany 911 - ; + 9 SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Porifera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Porifera_DE Porifera Germany 8 - ; + 6 SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Pseudoscorpiones from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Pseudoscorpiones_DE Pseudoscorpiones Germany 47 - ; + - Björn Rulik ZFMK Blick et al. (2004); Muster et al. (2008)
Taxon list of Subterrane Fauna from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Subterra_DE Subterrane Fauna Germany 359 - ; + 59 Dr. Alexander Weigand Dr. Alexander Weigand BiK-F de Jong (2012); Weber (2012, 2013); Zaenker (2008)
Taxon list of Symphyla from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Symphyla_DE Symphyla Germany 20 - ; + - Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Tardigrada from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Tardigrada_DE Tardigrada Germany 61 - ; + - ZFMK Degma & Guidetti (2007); Degma et al. (2009-2013); Guidetti & Bertolani (2005)

DTN taxon lists - Insecta

List title List code Taxonomic or biotic group Region Taxon names below genus level (number) Synonyms (number); Higher classification above subgenus/ genus level (+/-) Vernacular names - DE (number) List curator(s) Vernacular names curator(s) Responsible institution(s) Publications
Taxon list of Auchenorrhyncha from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Auchenorrhyncha_DE Auchenorrhyncha Germany 626 - ; + 623 Björn Rulik Björn Rulik ZFMK Nickel & Remane (2002, 2003), Holzinger et al. (2003), Nickel (2010)
Taxon list of Coleoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Coleoptera_DE Coleoptera Germany 6.721 - ; + 605 Dr. Dirk Ahrens Dr. Dirk Ahrens ZFMK Köhler & Klausnitzer (1998)
Taxon list of Collembola from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Collembola_DE Collembola Germany 493 1 Dr. Ulrich Burkhardt Dr. Ulrich Burkhardt SGN Schulz et al. (2003); Burkhardt (2012)
Taxon list of Dermaptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Dermaptera_DE Dermaptera Germany 8 - ; + 8 SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Dictyoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Dictyoptera_DE Dictyoptera Germany 14 - ; + 9 SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Diplura from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Diplura_DE Diplura Germany 18 - ; - - Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Diptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Diptera_DE Diptera Germany 3753 - ; + - Björn Rulik ZFMK Schumann et al. (1999); Schumann (2003, 2005, 2010) (bisher Nematocera und Brachycera, Rest folgt noch)
Taxon list of Ephemeroptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Ephemeroptera_DE Ephemeroptera Germany 116 - ; + 3 SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Gnathifera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Gnathifera_DE Gnathifera Germany SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Heteroptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Heteroptera_DE Heteroptera Germany 893 - ; + 107 Dr. Carsten Morkel Dr. Carsten Morkel Aukema & Rieger (1995, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2006)
Taxon list of Hymenoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Hymenoptera_DE Hymenoptera Germany 9.452 - ; + 156 SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Lepidoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Lepidoptera_DE Lepidoptera Germany 3.758 - ; + 1891 SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Mecoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Mecoptera_DE Mecoptera Germany 9 - ; + 5 Thorsten Klug Thorsten Klug Saure (2003c)
Taxon list of Megaloptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Megaloptera_DE Megaloptera Germany 4 - ; + 3 ZFMK Saure (2003b); Kleinsteuber & Röhricht (2011)
Taxon list of Microcoryphia (Archaeognatha) from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Microcoryphia_DE Microcoryphia (Archaeognatha) Germany 14 - ; + 1 Dr. Jörg Spelda Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Neuroptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Neuroptera_DE Neuroptera Germany 101 - ; + 47 ZFMK Saure (2003d); Kleinsteuber & Röhricht (2011)
Taxon list of Odonata from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Odonata_DE Odonata Germany 80 - ; + 76 SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Orthoptera (Grashoppers) from Germany compiled at the SNSB TaxRef_SNSB_Orthoptera_DE Orthoptera (Grashoppers) Germany 90 - ; + (nicht zugeordnet) 81 Dr. Sigfrid Ingrisch, Harald Schott Dr. Sigfrid Ingrisch, Harald Schott ZFMK, IVL, SNSB
Taxon list of Phthiraptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Phthiraptera_DE Phthiraptera Germany 411 - ; + 3 ZFMK Mey (2003, 2011)
Taxon list of Plecoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Plecoptera_DE Plecoptera Germany 123 - ; + 3 SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Protura from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Protura_DE Protura Germany 46 - ; + - Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Pscoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Psocoptera_DE Psocoptera Germany 98 - ; + - ZFMK Lienhard & Smithers (2002); Lienhard (2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012)
Taxon list of Raphidioptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Raphidioptera_DE Raphidioptera Germany 10 - ; + 10 ZFMK Saure (2003a); Röhricht & Kleinsteuber (2011)
Taxon list of Siphonaptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Siphonaptera_DE Siphonaptera Germany 72 - ; + 28 ZFMK Kutzscher & Striese (2003); Schumann (2011)
Taxon list of Sternorrhyncha from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Sternorrhyncha_DE Sternorrhyncha Germany 1.006 - ; + 51 ZFMK Burckhardt & Lauterer (2003); Bährmann (2003); Thieme & Eggers-Schuhmacher (2003); Schmutterer (2003); Bährmann (2011); Schmutterer (2011); Thieme & Müller (2011); Burckhardt & Klausnitzer (2011)
Taxon list of Strepsiptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Strepsiptera_DE Strepsiptera Germany 15 - ; + - ZFMK Pohl & Oehlke (2003)
Taxon list of Thysanoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Thysanoptera_DE Thysanoptera Germany 231 - ; + 26 ZFMK Schliephake (2001); Vierbergen (2004a,b); Moritz (2011)
Taxon list of Trichoptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Trichoptera_DE Trichoptera Germany 313 - ; + 1 SNSB/ZSM
Taxon list of Zoraptera from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Zoraptera_DE Zoraptera Germany ZFMK
Taxon list of Zygentoma from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Zygentoma_DE Zygentoma Germany 4 - ; + 2 Dr. Jörg Spelda Dr. Jörg Spelda SNSB/ZSM

DTN taxon lists - Vertebrata

List title List code Taxonomic or biotic group Region Taxon names below genus level (number) Synonyms (number); Higher classification above subgenus/ genus level (+/-) Vernacular names - DE (number) List curator(s) Vernacular names curator(s) Responsible institution(s) Publications
Taxon list of Amphibia from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Amphibia_DE Amphibia Germany 21 - ; + 13 Dr. Dennis Rödder Dr. Dennis Rödder ZFMK Uetz (2012); Frost (2011)
Taxon list of Aves from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Aves_DE Aves Germany 517 - ; + 517 Dr. Renate van den Elzen, Dr. Till Töpfer Dr. Renate van den Elzen, Dr. Till Töpfer ZFMK Barthel & Helbig (2005)
Taxon list of Mammalia from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Mammalia_DE Mammalia Germany 107 - ; + 88 Dr. Rainer Hutterer Dr. Rainer Hutterer ZFMK Wilson & Reeder (2005)
Taxon list of Pisces from West Palaearctic compiled in the context of the FREDIE project TaxRef_FREDIE_Pisces-fw_Palaearctic Pisces (freshwater) West Palaearctic (Westpalaearktik) 1.029 - ; + - Dr. Matthias Geiger ZFMK Nicolas Bailley - Aquatic Biodiversity Informatics Office, The WorldFish Center and the FishBase Information Research Group, Inc., Los Baños, 4031 Laguna, Philippines. E-mail: n.bailly@cgiar.org
Taxon list of Pisces and Cyclostoma from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Pisces_DE Pisces et Cyclostomata Germany 117 - ; + 67 Dr. Matthias Geiger Dr. Matthias Geiger ZFMK Kottelat & Freyhof (2007)
Taxon list of Reptilia from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Reptilia_DE Reptilia Germany 16 - ; + 13 Dr. Dennis Rödder Dr. Dennis Rödder ZFMK Uetz (2012); Frost (2011)

DTN taxon lists - Fungi and Lichens, Fungal-like organisms

List title List code Taxonomic or biotic group Region Taxon names below genus level (number) Synonyms (number); Higher classification above subgenus/ genus level (+/-) Vernacular names - DE (number) List curator(s) Vernacular names curator(s) Responsible institution(s) Publications
Taxon list of fungi and fungal-like organisms from Germany compiled by the DGfM TaxRef_DGfM_Fungi_DE Fungi (including lichens, downy mildews and myxomycetes) Germany 3678 Frank Dämmrich Frank Dämmrich DGfM Zitat???
Taxon list of Puccinales from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Pucciniales_DE Pucciniales Germany Dr. Markus Scholler SMNK Kirk et al. (2008); Scholler et al. (2011)
Taxon list of lichenicolous fungi from Germany compiled in the context of the LIAS project TaxRef_LIAS_LichFungi_DE Lichen-associated fungi Germany 409 Wolfgang von Brackel, Dr. Dagmar Triebel, Dr. Konstanze Bensch SNSB/BSM Wirth et al. 2011; LIASnames
Taxon list of lichenicolous fungi from United Kingdom compiled in the context of the LIAS project TaxRef_LIAS_LichFungi_UK Lichen-associated fungi United Kingdom 457 Dr. Dagmar Triebel SNSB/BSM British Lichen Society online
Taxon list of lichens from Germany compiled in the context of the LIAS project TaxRef_LIAS_Lichens_DE Lichens Germany 2129 Wolfgang von Brackel, Dr. Peter Scholz, Dr. Dagmar Triebel, Dr. Konstanze Bensch SNSB/BSM Wirth et al. 2011; LIASnames
Taxon list of lichens from United Kingdom compiled in the context of the LIAS project TaxRef_LIAS_Lichens_UK Lichens United Kingdom 1827 Dr. Dagmar Triebel, Dr. Konstanze Bensch SNSB/BSM British Lichen Society online
Taxon list of Erysiphales from Germany compiled in the context of the LIAS project TaxRef_LIAS_Erys_DE Powdery mildews Germany 49 Dr. Konstanze Bensch SNSB/BSM Brandenburger & Hagedorn 2006; LIASnames
Taxon list of Myxomycetes from Germany compiled at the SNSB TaxRef_SNSB_Myxomycetes_DE Slime moulds Germany 430 Andreas Kuhnt SNSB/BSM Schnittler et al. 2011; Eumycetozoa.com

DTN taxon lists - Plants

List title List code Taxonomic or biotic group Region Taxon names below genus level (number) Synonyms (number); Higher classification above subgenus/ genus level (+/-) Vernacular names - DE (number) List curator(s) Vernacular names curator(s) Responsible institutions Publications
Taxon list of hornworts from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Hornworts_DE Hornworts Germany 6 - ; + 6 Dr. Martin Nebel Dr. Martin Nebel SMNS Koperski et al. (2000); Meinunger & Schröder (2007a)
Taxon list of mosses from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Liverworts_DE Liverworts Germany 271 - ; + 262 Dr. Martin Nebel Dr. Martin Nebel SMNS Koperski et al. (2000); Meinunger & Schröder (2007a); Crandall-Stotler et al. (2009)
Taxon list of mosses from Germany compiled compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Mosses_DE Mosses Germany 1021 176; + 814 Dr. Martin Nebel Dr. Martin Nebel SMNS Koperski et al. (2000); Meinunger & Schröder (2007a+b+c); Hill et al. (2006); Goffinet et al. (2009)
Taxon list of Pteridophyta from Germany compiled compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Pteridophyta_DE Pteridophytes (= horsetails, ferns, club mosses, quillworts) Germany 87 - ; + 86 Dr. Martin Nebel Dr. Martin Nebel SMNS Korneck et al. (1996)
Taxon list of Spermatophyta from Germany compiled in the context of the GBOL project TaxRef_GBOL_Spermatophyta_DE Spermatophyta - for GBOL selected taxa! Germany 1.211 18; + 5 Dr. Ralf Hand Dr. Ralf Hand BONN (Nees)
Taxon list of vascular plants from Bavaria, Germany compiled in the context of the BFL project TaxRef_BFL_VPlants Vascular plants Bavaria ? Wolfgang Ahlmer SNSB/BSM

DTN taxon lists - Plant galls

List title List code Taxonomic or biotic group Region Taxon names below genus level (number) Synonyms (number); Higher classification above subgenus/ genus level (+/-) Vernacular names - DE (number) List curator(s) Vernacular names curator(s) Responsible institution(s) Publications
Taxon list of plant galls from Germany compiled at the UBT TaxRef_UBT_Galls_DE Plant gall inducing organisms Germany 490 - ; - 20 Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rambold, Alexander Guhr Prof. Dr. Gerhard Rambold, Alexander Guhr UBT Buhr, J. (2005 onwards); Redfern, M. & Shirley, P. (2012)

  • Further name projects and taxon lists designed for specific research projects and institutional collection purposes are stored in the DWB environments e.g. of SMNK, SNSB, UBT, ZFMK.
  • There are some DTN taxon lists with restricted access rights for GBOL. They are stored in the ZFMK installation of the DWB.

Internal Additions


Die BfN-Liste ist nicht öffentlich zugänglich, sie liegt in Produktionsumgebung BSM7 und ist dort nur für ausgewählte Nutzer zugänglich.

List title List code Taxonomic or biotic group Region Taxon names below genus level (number) Synonyms (number); Higher classification above subgenus/ genus level (+/-) Vernacular names - DE (number) List curator(s) Vernacular names curator(s) Responsible institution(s) Publications
Taxon list of vascular plants from Germany compiled at the BfN TaxRef_BfN_VPlants Vascular plants Germany 5.855 Wolfgang Ahlmer, Jürgen Klotz

siehe auch DiversityMobile-Sichten auf TNT und BSM7 unter Taxon lists services for DiversityMobile