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Revision as of 07:00, 14 July 2020





JOIN WEBEX MEETING https://fu-berlin.webex.com/fu-berlin-en/j.php?MTID=ma316c839ab1d775cbe264ce4b65cc299


Dear Workshop participants,

based on your entries to the online poll we have decided on the dates for the Workshop "The Future of Managing Osteological Data in Biological Anthropology" in Freiburg:

THU 25 / FRI 26 March 2021

These are the only days on which all of us are available and I hope that this has not changed since the poll.

Given the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, we cannot be absolutely sure that a meeting in Freiburg will be possible by March. Therefore, we are also preparing for the eventuality of an online event. However, we would very much prefer a face-to-face meeting and this will be our main line of planning for now. A final decision on how the workshop will be executed will be made around New Year. As the outcome of the workshop is essential for the progression of our project a postponement will not be an option. So the workshop will happen at the dates given above in one form or the other.

Stefan and I are happy to welcome Lukas Bender as a research assistant to our project team. Lukas is taking over the logistic organisation of the workshop from now on. You can always contact him with questions and notifications concerning your travel to and stay at Freiburg:


For issues concerning the contents of the workshop, please keep contacting me.

As a first official act, Lukas has created another short online poll to take your preferences concerning travel and accommodation. You will find more information in the description. Please find the poll at the following address:


The required password is the following:


Please take the poll as soon as possible so that Lukas will be able to reserve hotel rooms for you at Freiburg.