Taxon lists for DiversityMobile

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  • The IBF project/ DiversityMobile (smartphone app, app for Tablet PCs), the German Barcode of Life (=GBOL) project as well as many other biodiversity research projects depend on national/ regional species checklists/ taxon reference lists.
  • Species checklists/ taxon reference lists are essential as underlying standard lists (backbones) for web presentation services and (search) interfaces (e. g. as scroll lists). They are needed as dynamic service (database views and exports, web services) and as non-dynamic exports in various schemas and formats for external local database applications.
  • Such lists as managed by DiversityTaxonNames (=DTN) databases in a Diversity Workbench (= DWB) environment are called DTN taxon lists.
  • DTN taxon lists might be created (a) by direct import of taxon names from tab separated list files in a DWB environment, (b) by using the freely available (global) name thesauri e. g. via web services of Catalogue of Life (CoL) and IndexFungorum to create a new DTN taxon list in a DTN database or, (c) by adding the relevant list information to nomenclators and species/ taxon databases already available as project in a DTN database of any DWB environment (e. g. GBIFnomenmyx, LIASnames, MELnames, MSWnames in the DWB environment of the SNSB, and UBTgallnames in the open TNT environment).
  • The existing DTN taxon lists in the context of IBF, LIAS and GBOL are built by either the method (a) or (c). They rely on expert taxonomists (= list curators) who collect information from published resources as national checklists and taxonomic thesauri as the "Global Species Databases" from the Catalogue of Life initiative (GSDs).
  • The content of DTN taxon lists has to be continuously updated. The list curators will be responsible for managing that data preferably by using the DTN .Net clients on their desktops.
  • Additions and corrections are welcome and might be sent to the respective list curators or to the persons responsible for the common taxonomy of major initiatives or projects like LIAS and GBOL.
  • To document the content of the lists currently used in the IBF, LIAS and GBOL context and enlarge the acceptance within the project communities they will be accessible for open and free download as csv, xls, xml files via the GBOL portal, the GBIF-D portal and the DiversityMobile Wiki.
  • The DTN taxon lists do not compete against commented reference checklists/ red lists etc., published e. g. by the Bundesamt für Naturschutz as regular citable and copyrighted publications. They are non-commented outputs of a relational database system.

DTN databases in the DWB virtual server environment "TNT"

There are DTN databases for each major organism group in the DWB virtual server environment "Taxon Names and Terms (=TNT)". Each database has name projects with DTN taxon lists. Expert taxonomists and list curators will have access on project level to edit names data. The DTN taxon lists are accessible for web applications, e. g. through the DWB web editor for GBOL.


Project: GBOLnames with DTN taxon lists (=TaxRefLists): see table below.


Project: GBOLnames with DTN taxon lists (=TaxRefLists): see table below.

Project: IBFnames with DTN taxon lists (=TaxRefLists): see table below.


Project: GBOLnames with DTN taxon lists (=TaxRefLists): see table below.


Project: GBOLnames with DTN taxon lists (=TaxRefLists): see table below.

Project: LIASnames with DTN taxon lists (=TaxRefLists): see table below.


Project: GBIFnomenmyx with DTN taxon lists (=TaxRefLists): see table below.


Project: GBOLnames with DTN taxon lists (=TaxRefLists): see table below.


Project: UBTgallnames with DTN taxon lists (=TaxRefLists): see table below.

DTN taxon lists - Animalia varia

Organisms covered Country/ region covered List number of taxa List Resource name List curators List release date Downloads (csv, xls, xml)
Arachnida ["Rest", exkl. Araneae, Pseudoscorpiones] Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Arachnida_DE 3 3
Pseudoscorpiones Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Pseudoscorpiones_DE Björn Rulik 3 3
Araneae Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Araneae_DE Dr. Hubert Höfer 3 3
Chilopoda Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Chilopoda_DE Dr. Thomas Wesener 3 3
Diplopoda Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Diplopoda_DE Dr. Thomas Wesener 3 3
Symphyla Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Symphyla_DE ? 3 3
Pauropoda Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Pauropoda_DE ? 3 3
Malacostraca Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Malacostraca_DE ? 3 3
Eumalacostraca Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Eumalacostraca_DE ? 3 3
Heterotardigrada Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Heterotardigrada_DE ? 3 3

DTN taxon lists - Insecta

Organisms covered Country/ region covered List number of taxa List Resource name List curators List release date Downloads (csv, xls, xml)
Orthoptera (Grashoppers) Germany 88 TaxRef_SNSB_Orthoptera_DE S. Ingrisch, H. Schott 3 3
Collembola Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Collembola_DE ? 3 3
Neuroptera Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Neuroptera_DE ? 3 3
Coleoptera Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Coleoptera_DE Dr. Dirk Ahrens 3 3
Diptera Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Diptera_DE Björn Rulik 3 3
Ephemeroptera Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Ephemeroptera_DE ? 3 3
Auchenorrhyncha Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Auchenorrhyncha_DE Björn Rulik 3 3
Heteroptera Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Heteroptera_DE Dr. Carsten Morkel 3 3
Mecoptera Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Mecoptera_DE ? 3 3
Phthiraptera Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Phthiraptera_DE ? 3 3
Psocoptera Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Psocoptera_DE ? 3 3
Raphidioptera Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Raphidioptera_DE ? 3 3
Saltatoria Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Saltatoria_DE ? 3 3
Siphonaptera Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Siphonaptera_DE ? 3 3
Strepsiptera Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Strepsiptera_DE ? 3 3
Thysanoptera Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Thysanoptera_DE ? 3 3
Trichoptera Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Trichoptera_DE ? 3 3
Zoraptera Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Zoraptera_DE ? 3 3

DTN taxon lists - Vertebrata

Organisms covered Country/ region covered List number of taxa List Resource name List curators List release date Downloads (csv, xls, xml)
Amphibia Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Amphibia_DE Dr. Dennis Rödder 3 3
Reptilia Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Reptilia_DE Dr. Dennis Rödder 3 3
Aves Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Aves_DE Dr. Renate van den Elzen 3 3
Mammalia Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Mammalia_DE Dr. Rainer Hutterer 3 3
"Pisces et Cyclostomata" Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Pisces_DE Dr. Matthias Geiger 3 3

DTN taxon lists - Fungi and Lichens

Organisms covered Country/ region covered List number of taxa List resource name List curators List release date Downloads (csv, xls, xml)
Powdery mildews Germany ? TaxRef_LIAS_Erys_DE K. Bensch 3 3
Lichens Germany ? TaxRef_LIAS_Lichens_DE W. von Brackel, ? P. Scholz, D. Triebel 3 3
Lichen-associated fungi Germany ? TaxRef_LIAS_LichFungi_DE W. von Brackel, D. Triebel 3 3
Lichens United Kingdom ? TaxRef_LIAS_Lichens_UK D. Triebel 3 3
Lichen-associated fungi United Kingdom ? TaxRef_LIAS_LichFungi_UK D. Triebel 3 3
Ascomycetes - higher classification - ? TaxRef_LIAS_Myconet T. H. Lumbsch, D. Triebel 3 3

DTN taxon lists - Myxomycetes

Organisms covered Country/ region covered List number of taxa List Resource name List curators List release date Downloads (csv, xls, xml)
Slime moulds Germany 380 TaxRef_SNSB_Myxomycetes_DE ? A. Kuhnt, ? M. Schnittler 3 3

DTN taxon lists - Plants

Organisms covered Country/ region covered List number of taxa List Resource name List curators List release date Downloads (csv, xls, xml)
Vascular plants Germany ? TaxRef_BfN_VPlants W. Ahlmer, S. Klotz 3 3
Pteridophytes (= horsetails, ferns, club mosses, quillworts) Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Pteridophyta_DE ? J. Heinrichs, ? M. Nebel 3 3
Liverworts Germany 291 TaxRef_GBOL_Liverworts_DE ? J. Heinrichs, ? M. Nebel 3 3
Hornworts Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Hornworts_DE ? J. Heinrichs, ? M. Nebel 3 3

DTN taxon lists - Plant galls

Organisms covered Country/ region covered List number of taxa List Resource name List curators List release date Downloads (csv, xls, xml)
Plant gall inducing organisms Germany c. ? TaxRef_UBT_Galls_DE G. Rambold, A. Guhr 3 3

DiversityMobile database in the DWB virtual server environment "TNT"

The database DiversityMobile is designed for access by the DiversityMobile applications for smartphones. It gives open and free read only access to all DTN taxon lists (=TaxRefLists) available in the TNT environment.

Notes und Infos (später zu löschen):

German Barcode of Life (GBOL) information:

GBOL Taxonkoordinator: Björn Rulik ( Barcoding Fauna Bavarica (BFB) information:

Ref. Myxomyxetes Deutschland:

Schnittler, M., Kummer, V., Kuhnt, A., Krieglsteiner, L., Flatau, L., Müller, H. & Täglich, U. 2011 Rote Liste und Gesamtartenliste der Schleimpilze (Myxomycetes) Deutschlands. Naturschutz und Biologische Vielfalt 70 (6): 125-234. p. 138 GBIF-D erwähnt

