Taxon lists for DiversityMobile

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The IBF project/ DiversityMobile (smartphone app, app for Tablet PCs), the German Barcoding of Life (=GBOL) project as well as other biodiversity research projects depend on national/ regional species checklists/ taxon reference lists as managed by DiversityTaxonNames (=DTN) databases to use them as taxonomic backbone. Such non-commented, well structured lists have to be continuously curated and have to be provided as database views, as dynamic database exports and as periodical exports in various schemas and formats. DTN taxon lists build the underlying standard lists for web services and interfaces. To document the content of the lists currently used in the IBF and GBOL context and enlarge the acceptance within the project communities they are presented here for open and free download as csv, xls, xml files. The DTN taxon lists do not compete against reference checklists/ red lists etc. released as regular citable publications.

Animals DTN taxon lists

Organisms covered Country/ region covered DTN List number of taxa DTN List Resource name DTN List curators DTN List release date Downloads (csv, xls, xml)
Grashoppers Germany c. 128 ? TaxRef_SNSB_Orthoptera_DE S. Ingrisch, H. Schott 3 3
Plant gall inducing organisms Germany c. ? TaxRef_UBT_Galls_DE A. Guhr 3 3

Fungi and Lichens DTN taxon lists

Organisms covered Country/ region covered DTN List number of taxa DTN List resource name DTN List curators DTN List release date Downloads (csv, xls, xml)
Powdery mildews Germany ? TaxRef_LIAS_Erys_DE K. Bensch 3 3
Lichens Germany ? TaxRef_LIAS_Lichens_DE W. von Brackel, N. Nöske, D. Triebel 3 3
Lichen-associated fungi Germany ? TaxRef_LIAS_LichFungi_DE W. von Brackel, D. Triebel 3 3
Lichens United Kingdom ? TaxRef_LIAS_Lichens_UK D. Triebel 3 3
Lichen-associated fungi United Kingdom ? TaxRef_LIAS_LichFungi_UK D. Triebel 3 3
Ascomycetes - higher classification - ? TaxRef_LIAS_Myconet T. Lumbsch, D. Triebel 3 3
Plant gall inducing organisms Germany ? TaxRef_UBT_Galls_DE A. Guhr 3 3
4 5 6 2 3 6 2

Plants DTN taxon lists

Organisms covered Country/ region covered DTN List number of taxa DTN List Resource name DTN List curators DTN List release date Downloads (csv, xls, xml)
Vascular plants Germany ? TaxRef_BfN_VPlants W. Ahlmer, S. Klotz 3 3
Pteridophytes (=farns, ***) Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Pteridophyta_DE ? J. Heinrichs, ? M. Nebel 3 3
Liverworts Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Liverworts_DE ? J. Heinrichs, ? M. Nebel 3 3
Hornworts Germany ? TaxRef_GBOL_Hornworts_DE ? J. Heinrichs, ? M. Nebel 3 3
4 5 6 2 3 3 3


    • Ergänzung: Version date in file Namen?**

TaxRef_SNSB_Orthoptera_DE *** Teste Benennung der Liste ****

TaxRef_UBT_Galls_DE *** Teste Benennung der Liste ****
